unfulfilled love - unrequited love - love relinquished - life unlived...
poetry from the heart...
POETRY FROM THE HEART - my own words dedicated to all the words left unspoken, the acts left undone - the love unlived unfulfilled -

i dance with you...only in dreams...
tweet me, but tweet me gently, please!
Monday, June 29, 2009
mio dio nordico
the bitter sun...
words escape me -
and i am bound
to borrow those
of another
whose heart i know
is broken like mine...
how did we come to this -
why could we not forget right
forgive ourselves
save ourselves
each for the other...
why do we each now
have to suffer the loneliness...
suffer the sorrow
i have wept
too much!
dawns are
heartbreaking -
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
love separated...
love knows not its own depth
until the hour of separation -
dream-world into reality...
“Love is an attempt to change a piece of a dream-world into reality.”
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
the lost mistress...

As one at first believes?
Hark, 'tis the sparrows' good-night twitter
About your cottage eaves!
And the leaf-buds on the vine are woolly,
I noticed that today;
One day more bursts them open fully
—You know the red turns grey.
Tomorrow we meet the same then, dearest?
May I take your hand in mine?
Mere friends are we,—well, friends the merest
Keep much that I resign:
For each glance of that eye so bright and black,
Though I keep with heart's endeavour,—
Your voice, when you wish the snowdrops back,
Though it stay in my soul for ever!—
—Yet I will but say what mere friends say,
Or only a thought stronger;
I will hold your hand but as long as all may,
Or so very little longer!
Monday, June 22, 2009

want me
feel me
taste me
believe me
heal me
heal thyself
find my sanctuary
enter my sanctuary
cross the line cross the bridge fear not
know that i know understand that i understand
seek solace find peace take comfort
come with me out of control come with me
come with me into the chaos
through the ambivalence
into the LUSTLIGHT come with me
suck my binkie
share your candy with me
taste my sweat dripping into your mouth
feel my heartbeat through your hairy chest
lie full length taut cheek to cheek
think of me day and night and day
grip my neck with your teeth
suffer my sweetness bear the pain of joy
feed me your honey drink my wine
quench my thirst satisfy my hunger
hear my voice say my name in your dreams
kiss away my tears
let me be me
let me be me responding to you
be you
be you responding to me
just be
whisper my name shout my name
like a light bulb turn me on turn me off turn me*
bite me till i bleed
shout your sounds feel mine
feed my soul put some suga' in my bowl**
feel my heartbeat with your cheek
come away with me in the night*
be with me on a rainy day
feel me over you under you feel me
burn my flesh with your hands
heat me with your fire wash away my fever
make love have sex want more
race my heart drive me to the brink ride my heat
be happy be in the moment be wanted be you
seek and find
worship at my alter
smell my sweat feel my thoughts
wound me with your mouth
wear my bite marks
bear my legs around you
make my heart smile
hear my heartbeat with your eyes
tease me taunt me tease me taunt me
then devastate me at your leisure
sing me your song
wrap my heart in your clover
breathe my desire smell my flower
hear my tears that are not wept
know the words that are left unsaid
remember our past life
cherish this LIFELOVE
find ME in our next life...
take this kiss of mine...

And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
edgar allan poe, poem
roya, artist
this place of you...
where your fingerprints still rest,
your kisses still linger,
and your whispers
softly echo -
It's the place
a part of you
will forever
a part of me -
pliny the younger to his wife calpurnia - c. AD 100
napoleon bonaparte to josephine...love in a letter...

I awake all filled with you. Your image and the intoxicating pleasures of last night, allow my senses no rest.
Sweet and matchless Josephine, how strangely you work upon my heart.
Are you angry with me? Are you unhappy? Are you upset?
My soul is broken with grief and my love for you
forbids repose. But how can I rest any more, when I yield to the feeling that masters my inmost self, when I quaff from your lips and from your heart a scorching flame?
Yes! One night has taught me how far your portrait falls short of yourself!
You start at midday: in three hours I shall see you again.
Till then,
mio dolce amor!
but give me none back
for they set my blood on fire.
love that never dies...
It was winter and the sun was shining
Beyond the shadows I could see
It was winter and the wind was blowing
Love never dies
I know that true love never dies
The seasons end
And time moves on
But true love never dies
I look at a picture I took of you
Now it's winter and the color's fading
I just sit here while the wind blows through me
No matter how hard I try
Can't stop this feeling
Love never dies
I know that true love never dies
A day comes to end
And time moves on
But true love never dies
True love never dies
Never dies
Now I don't want to be wanting you
It's been three years and my heart's still crying
Love never dies
I know that true love never dies
A day comes to end
And time moves on
But true love never dies !
True love never dies !
Love never dies
Love never dies
Love never dies...
i think of u...
but then i think of you every day
i think of you every day in every way
what am i to do
for want of you...
napoleon and love...
the needs of a
like napoleon, i, too, long to throw my smitten heart...
what about us
where are you
where are we
where is our sanctuary
i know the answers
to all these...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
passion and penance...
"The longing was with him day and night, an incessant undefinable craving, like the sudden whim of a sick man for food and drink once tasted and long since forgotten. . . He simply felt that if he could carry away the vision of the spot of earth she walked on, and the way the sky and sea enclosed it, the rest of the world might seem less empty."
"His whole future seemed suddenly to be unrolled before him; and passing down its endless emptiness he saw the dwindling figure of a man to whom nothing was ever to happen."
the real reality...

I think we should look at reality, not dreams.
I just want us to be together!
I can't be your wife - Is it your idea that I should live with you as your mistress?
I want... Somehow, I want to get away with you... and...
and find a world where words like that don't exist!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
life and dirty mistresses just this once...
Meredith: What are you still doing here?
Mark: I am hoping Addison shows up.
Meredith: You are still in love with her?
Mark: You are still in love with him.
Meredith: She won’t show, you know. He’s not the kind of guy who leaves if he can help it.
Mark: What if you were wrong? What if just this once, life comes down on the side of the dirty mistresses?

If we act any other way
I'll be making you act against what I love in you most.
And I can't go back to that way of thinking.
Don't you see?
I can't love you unless
I give you up.