unfulfilled love - unrequited love - love relinquished - life unlived...
we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real - come along with me - we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - we'll share our stories of love around the campfire - come along -
YOU are just amazing Gypsy! emotions in a stir..love your little words that convey enormous love..:)
hugs tight jeaneen..:)
Wow. I hope that whoever these words are intended for is reading!
oh my jenean, hope your heart is well...sometimes i wonder when reading your lovely poetry here.
and hope your sis is good too.
Love.......what a journey it takes us on ♥
oh, thank you so much for your kind words, desert rose! sometimes i feel as if i really cannot take credit for the words that come out here as they seem to just come on their own, with a heart and a life of their own - at least, that's how it feels to me - but i am always so humbled by your comments, dear lady!!!
would that he were, too, trish! ;) 'cause i left with all these words here unspoken -
and dear dear linda! how absolutely sweet of you, your comments - but please do not worry over my little heart, dear lady! my heart is fine - and happy - and satisfied in many ways - i'm one of the very lucky ones to have tasted the real stuff if only for a moment or two - but, i have tasted! and i am happy for that -
thank you more than words for your caring thoughts for my sister - she is in a room now, out of icu and so much better - will do update asap!
much love and hugs!
a journey it is, gemel! a journey it is!!!
I almost decided not to comment on this one, Jenean. This is one of your most intriguing poems, almost to the point of paradox. Time fuels the flame... or kills it most often, doesn't it? That can be oh so dangerous, a dead love that grows with time.
But there is no logic in this Life! None.
That reminds me of some songs by Cohen... I'm back on Boogie Street!
hello roger! oh, i think in this case, time actually does FUEL the flame - absence making the heart grow fonder so to speak - but yes, a "dead" love that grows with time - just think of it - perhaps a better way of putting it is a "relinquished" love growing with time, in this case - oh, and to be reminded of anything cohen! be still my heart! i SO love his work - ANY of his work! ;)
look out boogie street!!! ;)
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