unfulfilled love - unrequited love - love relinquished - life unlived...

we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real - come along with me - we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - we'll share our stories of love around the campfire - come along -

poetry from the heart...

POETRY FROM THE HEART - my own words dedicated to all the words left unspoken, the acts left undone - the love unlived unfulfilled -

i dance with you...only in dreams...

tweet me, but tweet me gently, please!

Friday, February 10, 2012

she sits...

with only the sea to caress her lonely breast
she sits with her lover and dreams
of a time when life did not from her wrest
days without light leaving just her dark screams


nyssa said...

I felt this in my blood and my bones.. you inspire books to be written and movies to be made and photos to be taken. such talent you have, Jenean. xo ( and thanks for visiting, it meant the world) <3

MaGold - The Abstract Expressionist said...

"Yes, and that's what I love about you .." Ayn Rand


oh, dearest glynis! and your words always mean the world to me - truly they do and i am so humbled by them - it's always so wonderful to visit your place and i always leave there feeling - i don't know - more complete, somehow - thank you!


dear rainer - the magnificent ayn! thank you for reminding me of her and her own wonderful words - and yours -

Martin Meyers said...

Hello! I'm a new blogger/writer and I just added myself to your followers for support! Maybe you could come follow me too?
Thanks so much!

Trish said...

Lovely. Don't know how I missed this one, but it may be one of my favorites. I have so many favorites!


thanks much trish - still trying to keep my muses musing with and for me - but they seem to drift away with the tide... ~ sigh ~

Roger Gauthier said...

Elle s'abandonne
Seule avec la mer pour caresser ses seins
Dans les bras de son amant, la mer

Rêves d'une autre époque, d'une vie moins cruelle
Jours sans vie et sans lumière
Témoins de ses larmes et sanglots sans fin

This is a French rewriting of your sad poem, Gitane, as it came to my mind when I read it.

So sad… so sad so sad so sad.

I am with you through this, as you know. Each time I come here nowadays with a sense of foreboding.

So sad.

If I dared, I would tell you, but in French… Yes, I would tell you: <>Allez, réveille-toi, Gitane, réveille-toi ! Ne laisse pas la vie avoid le meilleur, surtout pas. Tu vaux beaucoup mieux que ça, ta muse t'attend, mais oui, ta muse t'attend, suffit d'ouvrir les yeux...

The Prophet


mon cher Roger - vous en quelque sorte toujours savoir exactement ce qui est dans mon propre cœur et comment en parler - seulement quelqu'un qui se soucie puisse entrer dans ce royaume interdit du temps et encore et continuent à revenir - je suis très reconnaissante pour vous et pour votre bienveillant - mon cœur vous aime tant! avoir un merveilleux voyage et de revenir vous rajeuni!

Nancy said...

Beautiful and soulful.


Votre coeur-passion est toujours battant la chamade, ici, et le retour sur cette route, obligatoire, avec autant de plaisir.
Belle soirée à vous Gypsy et à bientôt.Amicalement.



how beautiful your kind words, roger - always such a ray of sunshine - and my heart thanks you - have a lovely day there across the way - and i so hope you'll follow along at my current/working blog over at gypsywomanworld - see you there - xxx