unfulfilled love - unrequited love - love relinquished - life unlived...
we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real - come along with me - we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - we'll share our stories of love around the campfire - come along -
poetry from the heart...
POETRY FROM THE HEART - my own words dedicated to all the words left unspoken, the acts left undone - the love unlived unfulfilled -

i dance with you...only in dreams...
A pretty magical abstract images are full of your blog by visiting Arte.
Gracias Creativity and imagination photos of Jose Ramon and by your comentarios.
muchas gracias, jose -
thanks for leaving a note, robert - interesting your comment about red wine - i have a bottle of red italian wine [my favorite] that i've saved for a very long time - and just brought it down to perhaps open - weird - anyway - again - your notes always add a touch of color over here - hope your day treats you well - j
The Italians know how to make good reasonable priced wine. In my opinion they are only second to France whose top wines are so expensive they are collected rather than drunk.
oh, but i love italian wines - especially the dark reds - so it's a good thing i suppose that french wines are not my first pick -
thanks very much for coming by - have a great remainder of the evening -
georgia is one of my favorite woman aritists....i wonder if you knew that....she always says teachers were the thing that most took her inspiration from her and I always liked that and heartily agree, since it also happened to me...
this floral is one of the reasons I adore her, her imagery is amazing, her color pure inspiration.........
hey lady, yes, i thought perhaps georgia is an inspiration for you - certainly she is of mine - and you are so right about her imagery - oh, did you happen to see the biomovie of her last week - jeremy irons played opposite her in her husband's role - and joan - oh, i always forget this actress' last name - played georgia - interesting to see the story but i felt the acting a bit stilted - and i LOVE jeremy irons - but was disappointed in this characterization for him - anyway - yes, georgia on MY mind a lot when i'm creatively doing anything - so glad to see you out and about over here lady - come again soon - and have a wonderful remainder of the day!
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