unfulfilled love - unrequited love - love relinquished - life unlived...
we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real - come along with me - we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - we'll share our stories of love around the campfire - come along -
as always, compelling, intriguing :)
well, hello there, pretty lady!!! surprised to see you out and about - is your company still with you? hope you had a glorious time!!! thank you SO much for dropping by with a note!!! let's play visit catch up soon!!! have a wonderful evening!
I could just drown in your words in such a deliberate and seductive way and be lost forever. It goes without saying I am inspired again!
oh, hi charlotte - gee, thank you so much! and, listen, when you make your new creation from this inspiration, be sure and let me know so i can check it out!!! :)
thanks for coming by - please come again soon!
have a lovely remainder of the day!
It's frightening how much we appreciate the same things, love! And wonderful! Your choices of art are pieces I actually possess. I love your site and will be here every day. Thank you for your comments on Keath's collards lol and I'm trying your recipe for the mustard greens...
Much Love,
sorry for the double comments precious but I just have to say...your work is amazing...sucks me right in...magnificent!
oh, hey lady D - too funny about the collards thing! so, are you making the fried hot water cornbread, too? and don't forget big fresh juicy tomatoes to go with it all - yes, very neat about the art, but then, don't great minds think alike? :)
thank you SO much for such nice comments - they truly are appreciated more than you can know - especially since i've been really in a creative quicksand lately - just lots of "distractions" in the form of "life" otherwise - know what i mean? anyway, so glad to find your note just now - please do come again, and soon and often!!!
peace and love back - jenean
oh - and listen, we'll have to swap our TAH stories some time too - i had my surgery in the late 70's but remember it crystal clearly!!! things like trying to pick up a bar of soap in the shower the day i got home from the hospital :)
have a great night! later - j
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