unfulfilled love - unrequited love - love relinquished - life unlived...

we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real - come along with me - we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - we'll share our stories of love around the campfire - come along -

poetry from the heart...

POETRY FROM THE HEART - my own words dedicated to all the words left unspoken, the acts left undone - the love unlived unfulfilled -

i dance with you...only in dreams...

tweet me, but tweet me gently, please!

Monday, November 2, 2009

she stayed...

there was nothing
she did not shrink
that he could tell her
his words did not deter
that she did not
he was her lot
already know
her love she did bestow
and yet she stayed
for his love she had prayed

was not


Nevine Sultan said...

So simple and so beautiful, Gypsywoman! I love how you set up this piece. It's "geographically" perfect.



thank you nevine! and thank you, as always, for coming by over here!

Roger Gauthier said...

Hello Jenean, I saw this paintintg by John Collier some years ago and had to go back and make sure what it was all about in the first place.

Isn't this a fabulous way to kill a romance?

Unless, then, of course... This is getting tricky!

The object of her love is not this man but another, and this is a forbidden love, oh my God she will suffer.

I cannot see it otherwise, it's like a dark red trail of suffering, she should be afraid.

Jeune femme, tu tisses ton malheur
Ta beauté fragile est à fendre le coeur
Tu gaspilles ta fraîcheur en vain
Vas-t'en, n'attends pas demain

Amours interdites, destin tragique.


This is a tragic story, milady. How could it be different? And she's so beautiful, so frail, so young, every decent man would want to protect her. In vain.


oh, i wasn't familiar with collier's story [thanks for sharing it] - but knew the title to be "the confession" - it exudes all that and more - and then, my little version - forbidden love, a tragic fate, as you say - but perhaps, the beautiful woman sees her love for the man and his for her to outweigh all else - and so she stays - freely and willingly - and even happily - hmmmm.....who is to say what those things mean to the heart of another - something to contemplate, for sure -

thank you again for your always meaningful comments which add such color and texture to every story!

Chuck Dilmore said...

awesome. thoughtful. timeless.


oh, thank you ever so much, chuck! i always look forward to your visits! have a wonderful remainder of the evening!

Chuck Dilmore said...

"he knew that i had my heart set on the ouija board, tonight!"

Chuck Dilmore said...

with the cable out, they were left but to their silence.


oh, chuck, i'm only now seeing your most recent little chuckles over here! too too funny, you are!!!